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Thursday 16 August 2018

Python Two marks


  1. AHSEC Board Class 12 Maths syllabus has been designed as per the National Curriculum Framework 2005 and in accordance with the guidelines mentioned in Focus Group on Teaching of Mathematics 2005. This has been basically done to meet Assam 12th Revised Syllabus the emerging needs of all categories of students. The topics that are chosen are further deemed to be very useful in real-life situations and greater emphasis has been kept on the application of various concepts.

  2. BSNL customer care number of each state regarding to BSNL services towards toll free and paid numbers which are accessed from own and other networks across the country. BSNL customer care number The new digital era based support system contributing a lion’s sharing related to all telecom services in 2021 calendar year, also find the new email address providing BSNL complaint process for payment failed issues for any digital payment service failure related issues like repayment, refund of debited amount and service activation /deactivation, complaints, tariff change requests.
