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Showing posts with label CP5076. Show all posts

Saturday 15 September 2018

ISM Two marks



1. Define data and information. (NOV/DEC 2017) (NOV/DEC 2015)
Data is a collection of raw facts. Handwritten letters, a printed book, a family photograph, a movie on video tape, printed and duly signed copies of mortgage papers, a bank’s ledgers, and an account  holder’s passbooks are all examples of data.
Information is the intelligence and knowledge derived from data. Effective data analysis not only extends its benefits to existing businesses, but also creates the potential for new business opportunities by using the information in creative ways.

2. Outline the value of data to a business. (NOV/DEC 2017)
Businesses need to analyze data for it to be of value. Information is the intelligence and knowledge derived from data. Businesses analyze raw data in order to identify meaningful trends. On the basis of these trends, a company can plan or modify its strategy. 
For example, a retailer identifies customers’ preferred products and brand names by analyzing their purchase patterns and maintaining an inventory of those products.

3. What are the key challenges in managing information? (NOV /DEC 2016)
The following are key challenges of information management:
Exploding digital universe
Increasing dependency on information
Changing value of information

4. State the components that formulate the datacenter. (NOV /DEC 2016)
Server and Operating System
Storage Array

5. List the solutions available for data storage.  (NOV /DEC 2015) (MAY /JUN 2015)
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
Direct-Attached Storage
Storage Area Network
Network-Attached Storage
Internet Protocol SAN (IP-SAN)
6. What is data storage?
Data created by individuals or businesses must be stored so that it is easily accessible for further processing. In a computing environment, devices designed for storing data are termed storage devices or simply storage.

7. Discuss information life cycle.
The information lifecycle is the “change in the value of information” over time. When data is first created, it often has the highest value and is used frequently. As data ages, it is accessed less frequently and is of less value to the organization.

8. What is meant by access time?
The time required for the read / write heads in a disk drive to move between tracks of the disk is called seek time or access time.


1. Define networked storage
A dedicated file-serving device with integrated or shared storage attached to a local area network.

2. Define CAS and IP-SAN
CAS – Stands for Content Addressed Storage. An object-oriented system for storing fixed-content data. It provides a cost-effective networked storage solution.          
IP-SAN – Internet Protocol Storage Area Network. IP-SAN is a hybrid storage networking solutions that leverage IP networks.

3. What is a modular storage system? (NOV/DEC 2017)
Modular storage systems are targeted specifically at open systems servers, and typically don't carry the large cache and myriad of connections, Enterprise Systems Connection (ESCON) and Fiber Connectivity (FICON), which are required for mainframe storage. Examples of modular storage includes Compaq's EVA, EMC's Clariion, Dell's PowerVault. Enterprises should use modular arrays wherever possible, because of their lower costs and increased functionality.

4. What is IP-SAN? (NOV/DEC 2017)
IP-SAN stands for Internet Protocol Storage Area Network. IP-SAN is a hybrid storage networking solutions that leverage IP networks.

5. What are the mechanisms by which physical components can communicate across the bus? (NOV/DEC 2016)
The bus is the collection of paths that facilitates data transmission from one part of a computer to another, such as from the CPU to the memory.
Physical components communicate across a bus by sending bits (control, data, and address) of data between devices. These bits are transmitted through the bus in either of the following ways:
Serially: Bits are transmitted sequentially along a single path. This transmission can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
In parallel: Bits are transmitted along multiple paths simultaneously. Parallel can also be bidirectional.

6. Why is RAID 0 not an option for data protection and high availability? (NOV/DEC 2016)
In a RAID 0 configuration, data is striped across the HDDs in a RAID set. It utilizes the full storage capacity by distributing strips of data over multiple HDDs in a RAID set. As it does not provides any data protection, it is unsuitable for applications that require high availability.

7. What is Zoning? When is soft Zoning preferred over hard Zoning? (NOV/DEC 2016)           
Zoning is an FC switch function that enables nodes within the fabric to be logically segmented into groups that can communicate with each other.
With soft zoning, device assignments can be changed to respond to the varying demands of servers in the network. In comparison, hard zoning uses switch port numbers to set up the zone and each device in the SAN is assigned a permanent zone. Soft zoning should be used when flexibility is an important factor and security can be ensured by cooperating hosts but isn't necessarily a paramount issue.

8. List some of the data storage applications that could benefit from IP SAN (NOV/DEC 2016)            
Extending reach of existing SAN
Disaster Recovery solutions
Remote office applications

9. What is meant by Intelligent Storage System? (NOV/DEC 2015)                       
The intelligent storage systems are arrays arrays that provide highly optimized I/O processing capabilities. These arrays have an operating environment that controls the management, allocation, and utilization of storage resources. These storage systems are configured with large amounts of memory called cache and use sophisticated algorithms to meet the I/O requirements of performance sensitive applications.

10. What is RAID mechanism? (NOV/DEC 2015) (NOV/DEC 2014)
RAID is an enabling technology that leverages multiple disks as part of a set, which provides data protection against HDD failures. In general, RAID implementations also improve the I/O performance of storage systems by storing data across multiple HDDs

11. What are the physical components of a physical drive? (MAY/JUN 2015)
The Key components of a disk drive are platter, spindle, read/write head, actuator arm assembly, and controller.

12. Differentiate RAID 0 with RAID 1 based on its merits. (MAY/JUN 2015)
Data is stripped across the HDDs
Data is mirrored
Not suitable for applications that require high availability
Suitable for applications that require high availability

13. What is Physical Disk? (NOV/DEC 2014)
physical drive is a term for the hard disk drive unit or hardware within a computer, laptop or server. It is the primary storage hardware/component within a computing device, and it's used to store, retrieve and organize data.